Sunday 16 October 2016

Chapter 10

  • Define the term, database, and explain how a database interacts with data and information
  • Define the term, data integrity, and describe the qualities of valuable information
  • Discuss the terms character, field, record, and file
  • Describe file maintenance techniques and validation techniques
  • Differentiate between a file processing approach and the database approach
  • Discuss the functions common to most database management systems
  • Explain how to access Web databases
  • Describe characteristics of relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional databases
  • Identify database design guidelines and discuss the responsibilities of database analysts and administrators

Step of How a School's Admissions Department Might Process New Student Data into Information
  1. Admin take student picture
  2. Student data stored into database
  3. computer extract data-advisor name, schedule appointment, course taken
  4. comfirmation of advisiry appointment
  5. Admin give student ID with expired date
The Hierarchy of Data
  1. Character
  2. field
  3. records
  4. files
Common Data Type Include
  • Text
  • Numeric
  • AutoNumber
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Memo
File maintenance refers to the procedures that keep data currnt
  • Adding records
  • Modifying records
  • Deleting records
Validation compares data with a set of riles or values to find out of the data is correct
  • Alphabetic / Numeric Check
  • Range check
  • Consistency Check
  • Completeness Check
  • Check Digit
  • Other Check

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