Computer Programs and Programming Languages
- Computer program is a series of instructions that directs a computer to perform tasks.
- Computer program is created by a programmer using programming language.
- Programming language is a set of words, abbreviations and symbols that enables a software developer to communicate instructions to a computer or mobile device.
Low-Level Languages
- Machine language is the first generation of programming languages
- The only language the computer directly recognizes.
- Assembly language is the second generation of programming languages.
- Programmer writes instructions using symbolic instruction codes.
- Source program contains the code to be converted to machine language.
Procedural Languages
- With a procedural language, a software developer writes instructions using English-like words that tell the computer what to accomplish and how to do it.
- C programming language is used to write many of today's programs.
Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Application Development Tools
- System developers use an object-oriented programming (OOP) language or object-oriented application development tool to implement objects in a program.
- Programs developed using OOP language have several advantages:
The objects can be reused in many systems, are designed for repeated use and become stable over time.
Developers create applications faster because they design programs using existing objects.
Work well in a RAD environment.
Most object-oriented application development tools are referred to as a integrated development environment (IDE) because they include tools for building graphical interfaces, an editor for entering program code, a compiler and/or interpreter and a debugger (to remove error).
- Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.
- The just-in-time (JIT) compiler converts the bytecode into machine-dependent code.
- The Microsoft .NET Framework is a set of technologies that allows almost any type of program to run on the Internet or an internal business network, as well as stand-alone computers and mobile devices.
- Features include:
Common language runtime (CLR)
- C++ is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of the C programming language.
- C# is based on C++ and was developed by Microsoft.
- F# combines the benefits of an object-oriented language with those of a functional language.
Visual Studio
- Visual studio contains a suite of object-oriented application development tools that assists software developers in building programs and apps for Windows or any OS that supports the Microsoft .NET Framework.
- Visual studio also includes a set of tools for developing programs and apps that work with Microsoft's Office suite.
- Visual Basic is based on the BASIC programming language.
- Visual C++ is based on C++.
- Visual C# combines the programming elements of C++ with an easier, rapid-development environment.
Visual programming language
- Visual programming language is a language that uses a visual or graphical interface for creating all source code.
- Borland's Delphi is a powerful program development tool that is ideal for building large-scale enterprise and Web applications in a RAD environment.
- PowerBuilder is a powerful program development RAD tool.
- Best suited for Web-based, .NET and large-scale enterprise objects-oriented applications.
- Fourth-generation language (4GL) is a nonprocedural language that enable users and software developers to access data in a database.
- One popular 4GL is SQL.
Classic programming languages
- These languages, which include BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN and RPG, were more widely used in the past than they are today.
Application generators
- Application generator is a program that creates source code or machine code from a specification of the required functionality.
- Most often are bundled with or are included as part of a DBMS.
- Macro is a series of statements that instructs a program or app how to complete a task.
- User usually create a macro in one of two ways:
Record the macro, or
Write the macro
Web Development
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a special formatting language that software developers use to format documents for display on the web.
- Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is a markup language that allows website to be displayed more easily on mobile devices.
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an increasingly popular format for sharing data that allows web developers to create tags that describe the structure of information.
- XML separates the webpage content from its format, allowing the browser to display the contents of a webpage in a form appropriate for the display device.
- Wireless devices use a subset of XML called WML.
- Wireless markup language (WML) allows web developers to design pages specifically for microbrowsers.
- Two applications of XML are the RSS 2.0 and ATOM specifications.
- Really simple syndication (RSS) and ATOM are specifications that content aggregators use to distribute content to subscribers.
Validate design
- Check for logic errors using test data.
Develop various sets of test data
Determine the expected result
Step through the algorithm
Compare the results
Repeat steps for each set of test data
Implement design
- Implementation of the design includes using a program development tool that assists the programmer by:
Generating or providing some or all code
Writing the code that translates the design into a computer program
Creating the user interface
- Extreme programming is a strategy where programmers immediately begin coding and testing solutions as soon as requirements are defined.
Test solution
- The goal of program testing is to ensure the program runs correctly and is error free.
- Errors include syntax errors and logic errors.
- Debugging the program involves removing the bugs.
- Beta is a program that has most or all of its features and functionality implemented.
Document solution
- In documenting the solution, the programmer performs two activities:
Review the program code
Review all the documentation
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